Blackjack Rules

Blackjack is a fairly easy game to play. And the objective is simple while often misinterpreted. It is a common misconception that the objective is to get a card total of 21. But what happens if the dealer gets 21 too? That is where the true objective of the game comes in. The point of blackjack is not to get blackjack. The point is to beat the dealer without having your card total go over 21. First, we will look at the language of blackjack.


Hit: This means that you want to be dealt another card.


Stand: This means that you do not want to be dealt anymore cards and that you want to stand against the dealer with the total in your hand.


Double Down: This means to double your bet, but you will only receive one more card. After receiving one more card you have to stand.


Split: This can only happen when you are dealt two cards with the same value, and if the house rules allow it. If you decide to split a pair you must double you bet to cover having a second hand. Sometimes only certain pairs can be split while other cannot.  Once you split a pair you will be dealt another card for each one; after that you play one hand and then the other.


Insurance: This option is only available when the dealer’s up card is an Ace. Basically you place a bet on your bet. If the dealer has a blackjack, you would receive a payout of 2:1 on your insurance bet. In other words, you would receive you insurance bet back along with part of your original bet.


Surrender: Not all house rules allow for this option. It can be likened to folding in poker. Surrendering means that you are exiting the round.


There is also a difference between blackjack and having a card total of 21. In order to say that you have blackjack, your card total must be 21 in the first two cards that you are dealt without hitting for more cards. Blackjack beats all other hands. The only time it does not is when the dealer also has a blackjack. In that case the round becomes a push, or a tie, and your wager is returned to you.  Obtaining a card total of 21 with three or more cards will beat the dealer’s hand as long as the dealer’s hand is less than 21. A blackjack will usually have a payout of 3:2, while beating the dealer has a payout of 2:1.